
这个音乐之旅包括惊心动魄的 50 英尺下降和狂欢节晚会。游客还可以在新奥尔良广场和新更名的河口乡村探索更多蒂安娜的故事

【新闻速递】通讯社 庞可扬 橙郡报道

令人期待已久的水上游乐项目「蒂安娜的河口冒险」(Tiana’s Bayou Adventure)将于 2024 年 11 月 15 日正式在橙郡安纳罕迪士尼乐园度假区首次亮相。这个有趣的音乐之旅在华特迪士尼动画工作室的电影《公主与青蛙》之后展开,将蒂安娜公主的故事带入生活,邀请游客与蒂安娜和她的鳄鱼朋友路易斯一起踏上寻找狂欢节晚会乐队的旅程。

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The water-based attraction takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” Along the journey, guests encounter fan-favorite characters – including Princess Tiana, gator pal Louis and Mama Odie – and meet 19 new critter friends. (Sean Teegarden/Disneyland Resort)


Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The family-friendly, water-based attraction takes guests on a musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” In the finale scene, guests “drop on in” to Tiana’s swingin’ soiree featuring gator pal Louis, Prince Naveen and more familiar faces. (Sean Teegarden/Disneyland Resort)

“我们很高兴我们的游客能够通过欢乐的「蒂安娜的河口冒险」、重新设计的河口乡村和扩建的新奥尔良广场体验迪士尼乐园西侧的改造——这些沉浸式的故事和体验只有在迪士尼乐园才能找到,”迪士尼乐园度假区总裁波特罗克(Ken Potrock)说。

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The family-friendly, water-based attraction takes guests on a musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” In the finale scene, guests “drop on in” to Tiana’s swingin’ soiree featuring gator pal Louis, Prince Naveen and more familiar faces. (Disneyland Resort/Walt Disney World Resort)

进入「蒂安娜的河口冒险」景点队列后,游客将回到 1927 年,当时蒂安娜公主正准备在狂欢节期间举办一场独一无二的庆祝活动,以纪念她的员工所有企业蒂安娜食品。欢迎所有人参加,但缺少一个“要素”:娱乐!乘客登上滑水道,穿越河口寻找音乐家,沿途遇到各种熟悉的面孔,包括妈妈奥迪和鳄鱼路易斯。客人还会发现 19 个新动物朋友演奏 Zydeco、Rara 和非洲古巴音乐;缩小到青蛙大小,体验惊心动魄的 50 英尺下降,然后进入蒂安娜的摇摆晚会。为增添更多河口乐趣,MagicBand+ 将像萤火虫一样发光,并在整个旅程中与景点互动。

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The water-based attraction takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” Along the journey, guests encounter fan-favorite characters – including Princess Tiana, gator pal Louis and Mama Odie – and meet 19 new critter friends. (Christian Thompson/Disneyland Resort)
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The water-based attraction takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” Along the journey, guests encounter fan-favorite characters – including Princess Tiana, gator pal Louis and Mama Odie – and meet 19 new critter friends. (Sean Teegarden/Disneyland Resort)

格莱美奖获奖音乐家 Terence Blanchard 为队列编排和制作了音乐,包括“Gonna Take You There”、“Down in New Orleans”等新版本。一首朗朗上口的原创歌曲“Special Spice”由格莱美奖获奖音乐家 PJ Morton 创作、制作和演唱,由 Anika Noni Rose 演唱,专为该景点而作。数百名艺术家为景点配乐的创作贡献了才华,其中包括 Dooky 和 ​​Leah Chase 的女儿 Leah Chase Kamata,她是蒂安娜公主的灵感来源之一。

Joined by Princess Tiana, Louis the Alligator and the Jambalaya Jazz Band, members of the cast of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “The Princess and the Frog,” Jenifer Lewis, Anika Noni Rose and Michael-Leon Wooley, enjoy a joyful moment in New Orleans Square at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, Calif., during the opening celebration for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, Nov. 13, 2024. Opening at Disneyland Park on Nov. 15, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is a water-based attraction that takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure. (Sean Teegarden/Disneyland Resort)

虽然「蒂安娜的河口冒险」肯定会吸引来自河口对面的游客,但这位公主和企业家的丰富故事情节贯穿迪士尼乐园的新奥尔良广场和河口乡村。受蒂安娜裁缝母亲的启发,游客可以前往新奥尔良广场的 Eudora’s Chic Boutique Taking Tiana’s Gourmet Secrets 商店,购买家居用品、配饰、酱料、调味品等。Tiana’s Palace 快餐店供应新奥尔良风味菜肴,如丰盛的秋葵浓汤和特色油炸饼,供午餐和晚餐使用。餐厅的室内设计灵感来自电影,有一幅描绘河口的大型壁画,并引用了蒂安娜的故事,包括她父亲最喜欢的秋葵浓汤勺等细节。

7 Greens Gumbo with Chicken & Andouille Sausage (Tiana’s Palace at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, Calif.) – white beans, okra, yams, sweet potatoes and heirloom rice. Available beginning Sept. 7, 2023. For more details, visit DisneyParksBlog.com. (David Nguyen/Disneyland Resort)
Tiana’s Palace in New Orleans Square at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, Calif. Inspired by the Walt Disney Animation Studios film “The Princess and the Frog,” the reimagined quick service restaurant serves authentic New Orleans flavors inspired by Tiana’s friends and adventures. While Tiana’s Palace is not a character dining location, guests may find Tiana in New Orleans Square. (Sean Teegarden/Disneyland Resort)

河口乡村继续讲述这个新的“小动物”景点的故事,开设了两个零售店。 Louis’ Critter Club 是购买 Tiana 服装、毛绒玩具和耳朵以及家居装饰等商品的首选之地。Ray’s Berets 是萤火虫 Raymond 和他的亲戚的温馨小屋,提供各种头饰、配饰、玩具等。


游客可以将一些以 Tiana 和景点为主题的商品带回家,例如“bayou-tiful” Spirit Jersey、耳式头带、可爱的互动萤火虫配饰、Loungefly 迷你背包、MagicBand+ 等等。新系列展示了新奥尔良本地人 Sharika Mahdi 的艺术作品,她为该景点创作了生动的艺术作品,激发了华特迪士尼幻想工程的灵感。

相关配饰包括萤火虫 Raymond。庞可扬摄
Louis’ Critter Club, opening Nov. 13, 2024, will be the place to go for apparel, accessories, home decor and more featuring some of your favorite critters and Princess Tiana in Bayou Country at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, Calif. This reimagined merchandise location inspired by “The Princess and the Frog” will further immerse guests into Princess Tiana’s story, along with the opening of the attraction, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, opening Nov. 15, 2024. (Christian Thompson/Disneyland Resort)

要体验「蒂安娜的河口冒险」,需要通过 Disneyland 应用程序**加入免费虚拟队列*。盛大开幕后,此景点将不再有候补队列。更多信息和操作方法详情可在 Disneyland.com 上找到。团体中身高低于景点 40 英寸最低要求的游客可以与演员讨论免费 Rider Switch 功能。游客还可以通过预订到达窗口并使用 Lightning Lane 入口(购买 Lightning Lane Multi Pass 时,视供应情况而定)更快地进入此景点。

Members of the cast of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “The Princess and the Frog,” Anika Noni Rose and Jenifer Lewis, joined by composer and singer-songwriter PJ Morton, deliver a joyful performance aboard the Mark Twain Riverboat at the grand opening ceremony of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, Calif., Nov.13, 2024. Opening to guests Nov. 15, 2024, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is a water-based attraction that takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure that picks up one year after the events of “The Princess and the Frog.” Along the journey, guests encounter fan-favorite characters – including Princess Tiana, gator pal Louis and Mama Odie – and meet 19 new critter friends. (Disneyland Resort)

在有限的时间内,Disney+ 订阅者可以购买 2 天门票,并在迪士尼乐园主题公园免费获得 1 天门票,并享受特价 3 天 1 园门票。此迪士尼乐园假日门票优惠将于 11 月 13 日开始发售,适用于 2024 年 11 月 18 日至 12 月 27 日的参观。适用资格限制和条款。需要预订公园,请访问 Disneyland.com/DisneylandHolidayOffer 了解更多详情。

计划在 2025 年初“顺便造访”迪士尼乐园的游客可享受限时儿童特别门票优惠和酒店优惠,两项优惠均可供购买,参观和住宿时间为 2025 年 1 月 7 日至 3 月 20 日。3 至 9 岁的儿童可以凭此 1 日 1 园门票以每名儿童 50 美元的低至 50 美元的价格参观迪士尼乐园主题公园。****** 酒店优惠包括四晚或更长时间的部分住宿最高 25% 的折扣*******以及迪士尼大加州酒店及水疗中心、迪士尼乐园酒店和迪士尼乐园酒店别墅的标准客房和高级客房最高 20% 的折扣,时间为周日至周四晚********,视房间供应情况而定。

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens Nov. 15, 2024, at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. The water-based attraction takes guests on a family-friendly, musical adventure that picks up after the events of the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Princess and the Frog.” Along the journey, guests encounter fan-favorite characters – including Princess Tiana, gator pal Louis and Mama Odie – and meet 19 new critter friends. (Christian Thompson/Disneyland Resort)